We have decided to put Jack and Phoebe together in the same room with a bunk bed and all! I wanted to do this several months in advance, before baby's arrival, but one month will have to suffice. It's been going pretty well. Although last night, Nick and I kept hearing giggling and squealing going on for quite some time after we put them to bed. It brought back memories of when I was little, sharing a room with my sister/s. Yes, we got in trouble!
Here's a picture showing part of their room now. I love all the bright colors!
Along with all the at home "nesting" taking place, we've also gone out to enjoy some much needed spring weather and fun activities:

Spending time outside with the cousins has been fun! Jack's learning to do flips on the trampoline, and Phoebe is enjoying riding around with Jacob. I just love Jacob's face in this picture! It makes me laugh and smile every time I see it! It's the best!
I took Phoebe to her first, Fairy Tea Party that the Provo Library holds each year in the early spring. It was so fun! She got to dress up, and spend some one on one time with Mom, eat some yummy treats, curtsey in front of the "fairy King" and see some pretty awesome ballerinas! We also went with some of our cousins and had a great time! Can't wait till next year...
Here are a few of the projects I've also been working on for baby: Keep in mind the gender neutral colors. Also, I painted the crib and it looks more turquoise in real life. (More nursery pics to come)
(burp cloths, diaper holder, carseat cover)
I can't forget Nick in this post either...he's been the KING Bee around here...from rubbing my feet and legs, bringing me dinner, inviting his sister over to give me a facial to help me relax, to cleaning out the garage, helping me put together the new rooms, putting up with my excessive cleanliness and organization going on...he's been a real hero! And all the while, keeping up with his busy job, which he just got some nice recognition for (I'm so proud of him!) and being in school, completing his master's program, and keeping up with our ward in a demanding calling. I love him! And I don't know what I'd do with out his help and friendship! And...I can't forget, he also has a talent for cutting music...which has come in handy with the ballroom class lately. He's pretty much AWESOME and REALLY talented.
Anyway, I depart now, leaving behind the one and maybe only maternity shot of me that I'm ok with going out in public. I had to capture one I guess...
This was at 34 weeks
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