Friday, March 25, 2011


Hey all. Today I am anticipating something painful. I am scheduled to get a sinus surgery April 4th that will hopefully help my headaches, pain/pressure in my head and face go away. I am excited for the possible benefits from the surgery, but also very nervous! I've never had any type of surgery before...including anesthesia. Apparently I have a deviated septum (crooked nose bone) and polyps (tissue) growth in both of my "cheek" sinuses, which are completely blocked off and not able to drain normally. My ENT will go in and cut bone to straighten my septum and remove the polyps from my sinuses during this 1 - 1/2 hour surgery. He was pretty certain after looking at my CT scan that I should benefit greatly from this surgery...and he was pretty amazed that I wasn't complaining more with how bad it looked. (maybe I have a high pain tolerance)....haha...not likely, but we can pretend.

Have any of you had this type of surgery or any surgery with anesthesia for that matter and would be willing to share your experiences, etc?? I am just nervous...I know I shouldn't worry too much....but, being a mother, the "Negative Nancy" and "Worrying Welma" (haha,..just made that one up, Welma's a good name) comes out and I just can't stop thinking about it. So please share if you or someone you know has had a similar surgery/experience. I'd love to hear!

And I'll leave you with this...

Awesome! Wearing my shorts and all! Love him...he can always make me laugh!


  1. Oh I hope it all went well. I haven't had any surgery that I can remember but coming out of the anesthesia is not fun. Make Nick promise to not tell anyone the funny things you said or did.

  2. I wish I had a positive surgery experience to tell you, but I haven't had one. DANG IT. I am kinda nervous for you. I know Wendy Glass had surgery a year ago, I think it may have been a similar procedure.

  3. i haven't had a sinus surgery, but i've had plenty of others. you're going to be just fine! in fact, the actual surgery won't be that big a deal. you'll go to sleep and wake up a little silly when it's over (and won't remember a thing). the worst part (and it won't be too bad) is trying to recover with the kiddos running all around. but you've got a wonderful husband, he'll take good care of you!

    <3stephanie egli
