Monday, March 14, 2011

Doggies and Super Heroes

I went to Phoebe's 15 month check up last monday, and while I was there I filled out a questionnaire that ranks her progress. One of the questions/statements was saying that on average a 15 month old should have a vocabulary of 4 to 8 words. After reading this, I thought for a minute about Phoebe's talking....she only says about 3 words which include, "Momma" (only when she's crying)," Dadda" when she wants his attention, and she yells" Jack" about 50 times a day. But other than that she doesn't say too much that we can understand.
I wasn't too concerned, but since then I'd been trying to say and repeat some easy words that she understands which included, "more", "please," "yogurt," "milk," etc... And no luck! So last friday, Jack was watching "101 Dalmations" when Phoebe got up from her nap. Jack was making barking sounds and saying, "Doggies say woof, woof, woof." When out of no where, Phoebe repeats clearly, "Doggy say woof, woof, woof."
I was astounded! Of course she repeats after Jack! Why didn't I think of that earlier! Just have Jack say anything and Phoebe, sure enough, will try and repeat it! So, yes, my daughter is amazing, instead of having only a few vocab words, she now can say an entire phrase! "Doggy say, woof, woof, woof."
Since then she now says, football, soccer, and gun...all THANKS to Jack!

"Super Why" Jack!! Yes, "Super Why" is a favorite at this house! Jack has become a fan of and we visit the site frequently to watch episodes and play matching games! "Super Why" is a great show that has taught Jack a lot of letters and sounds that each letter makes. So, I don't feel too bad about him loving the show! He even wants to be a super hero when he grows up. I say, why later, be a super hero now Jack!
And so he is!


  1. Phoebe, you are so cute! You forgot one though! I have definitely heard her say "ouchie" before! I love Jack's superhero costume!!

  2. Ya that's right....she says that one all the time!
